touch base

Phone: 506-478-8072

Leave a comment, or shoot us a note with your favourite quote. Or any sort of message really. We’d love to hear from you!


Retailer Inquiries

If you’re interested in selling our products in your bricks & mortar store, pro-shop etc, or online store just follow the simple steps below:

  1. Click Here.
  2. State something in the subject line like “We want to sell Yankys!!”
  3. Send!

Once we verify that you are a retailer, we’ll reply or call right away and send you all the info you need (order form, line sheet, etc.)

Distributor Inquiries

You’re an established rep and want to add us to your list? We’d be honoured to chat. Send us a love note, call, text, courier pigeon, whatever works best for you.